SAJ Holding

S.A.J Holding & Investment Ltd

” A pioneering Innovation, Igniting Excellence – Shaping Legacies Worldwide. “

S.A.J Holding & Investment: Elevating Traditions, Envisioning, Legacies are Crafted.

Founded in 2011

Embarking on the Forefront of Innovation

Our journey is marked by a pioneering spirit, igniting excellence in every endeavor we undertake. With a relentless commitment to pushing boundaries and challenging conventions, we shape legacies that resonate worldwide. Our ethos is rooted in the belief that true greatness is achieved through continuous innovation and unwavering dedication to excellence. As trailblazers in our field, we inspire change, foster creativity, and leave an indelible mark on the global landscape. Join us in shaping the future and leaving a lasting legacy that transcends borders and generations.


Years of experience in GCC & US


Locations in GCC & US


Branches & Offices



S.A.J Holding & investment Ltd

Our Legacy of Innovation and Impact

SAJ is a Dubai based investment and holding company, a sustainable investor with a strategic focus on real-estate, and automobile investments. We blend astute market insights with bold vision to deliver exceptional returns for our partners and stakeholders.

 In the realm of real estate, we’re catalysts for transformation in commercial properties brokerage, leveraging our top-tier expertise to navigate the complexities of commercial real estate market to ensure seamless alignment with our clients’ specific goals and aspirations. With a keen eye for emerging markets and untapped potential.

In the world of automobiles, we’re driving the future forward. From cutting-edge technologies to bespoke craftsmanship, our investments span the automotive spectrum, from electric vehicles to custom enhancements, with a finger on the pulse of industry trends and consumer preferences. 

The Company has built its reputation on a steadfast commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism and ethics in every aspect of its business. SAJ service-oriented culture, extensive network and deep knowledge of the GCC markets strongly position the company to deliver unparalleled value and results.